Dental Laser Treatment & Deep Cleaning
Laser Periodontal Therapy and Laser Gum Treatment allows a high tech approach to the treatment of gum disease. If you have been told that you need gum surgery or you have periodontal disease, laser dentistry replaces cutting of the gum tissue with a scalpel and does not require stitches. This means an easy recovery with minimal bleeding, which preserves gum tissue, reduces root exposure and sensitivity, and is reasonably priced as compared to traditional gum surgery. Laser disinfection is performed on mild gum disease- gingivitis or re-infected areas of gum diseases. It is a very effective way to eliminate halitosis or bad breath. Your bad breath is gone that day after the laser disinfection. Another good thing is that laser disinfection can be done without anesthesia due to the low power setting, it is also low cost.

This beam of controlled light brings energy deep inside the periodontal pockets (laser curettage) and onto the gum tissues to remove areas of infection inside the pockets. This controlled beam of heat and light sterilizes the affected area by destroying many bacteria and viruses found in the mouth and also seals off blood vessels, which minimizes the chance of infection or bleeding. Patients who took the dental laser treatment are much more comfortable both during and after treatment, with little or no bleeding.
How are lasers used in Endodontic (Root Canals)?

A laser may be used to gain access to the infected nerve and clean, shape, enlarge and disinfect the root canal. Advantages of using a laser to perform a root canal are that the procedure oftentimes may be performed without anesthesia and its use conserves as much natural tooth structure and strength as possible.
The endodontist’s goal in root canal therapy is to disinfect the root canal and fill the area with an inert material while maintaining as much strength of the tooth as possible. The precision and disinfecting qualities of the laser help dentists achieve these goals.
Laser Crown Lengthening

Laser Crown Lengthening is a very advanced way for lengthening the tooth or bone in specific dental situations. Some people unfortunately break their teeth at the gumline, leaving little or no tooth exposure for restoration. A simple and minimally invasive treatment to repair these cases is Laser Crown Lengthening. This technique uses a soft tissue laser to precisely reshape the gum tissue around the area exposing more tooth structure for the new restoration to grip onto. In some cases, we also use the hard tissue to re-contour the bone. Most clients with this situation will have Laser Crown Lengthening in conjunction with a new Porcelain Crown, and this can all be done in one or two visits. With minimal healing time, and very low impact on the tissue, clients find this treatment very comfortable and easy to manage.

The benefits of a laser frenectomy as compared to traditional techniques have been shown in the literature
The benefits of laser treatment included “reduced bleeding during surgery with consequent reduced operating time and rapid postoperative hemostasis, thus eliminating the need for sutures. The lack of need for anesthetics and sutures, as well as improved postoperative comfort and healing, make this technique particularly useful for very young patients.”
Diode lasers
Diode lasers are used to treat oral ulcers. The procedure is lesspainful and the healing period is also reduced.

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