conscious Sedation in form of Inhalation Conscious Sedation anxiety prior to each dental visit.
The ability to anaesthetize, or “numb”, areas of the mouth is of great benefit to patients who would otherwise experience unpleasant sensations during some types of dental treatment. In dentistry, the term “local anaesthesia” refers to a procedure where a “local anaesthetic”, which is a drug which numbs a small area of tissue, is delivered to block sensations from an area of the mouth. The original local anaesthetic (LA) in the 1800’s was cocaine, followed by procaine (which goes by the trade name of Novocaine), and eventually by lidocaine, which is still the main LA in use today.
Some dental and cosmetic procedures are more invasive than others and some patients feel quite nervous at the thought of receiving treatment. For this reason, we offer Intravenous (IV) Sedation to help you through dental procedures free of pain and anxiety.We also have qualified staff that understand dental phobia and can talk you through the procedures and what to expect at every stage of treatment. Here is some information that will help you understand the IV Sedation process.
IV Sedation Process
Clients receiving invasive dental treatments, like dental implants or wisdom tooth removal, may benefit from IV Sedation for greater relaxation before, during and after treatment. Before the dental treatment starts, the IV Sedation dentist will insert an IV to reduce your anxiety.
You will immediately start to feel deeply calm and untroubled by the dental procedure taking place. Once the dental treatment is complete, your dentist will then provide you with a medication that gently takes you out of the sedative experience.
Conscious Sedation is defined as a minimally depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient’s ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation and verbal command and that is produced by pharmacological or nonpharmacologic method or combination thereof.Sedation Dentistry, sometimes called Relaxation Dentistry, refers to the way dentist’s manage Pain and Anxiety during dental appointments.Unlike General Anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, asleep, and unable to respond, patients under Conscious Sedation, are able to respond to commands and breath on their own. Inhalation Conscious Sedation, Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation also known as “laughing gas”. This is the most frequently used sedation method used in dentistry. All bodily functions remain normal and the person is able to breathe on their own. The patient will often fall asleep and experience some degree of amnesia about what happened during their dental appointment. Inhalation Sedation has been used my dentists for many years. Sedation dentistry therefore refers to the way dentists manage pain and anxiety during dental appointments.

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